




毎日新聞 2006年9月13日 東京朝刊


Nature 443, 81-84(7 September 2006)
Arianna Maffei, Kiran Nataraj, Sacha B. Nelson and Gina G. Turrigiano



Nature 443, 85-88(7 September 2006)
David J. Freedman and John A. Assad

カテゴリー化とは、脳が知覚刺激に意味を与えるプロセスである。ヒトは経験を通じて、刺激を「いす」「テーブル」「乗り物」などのカテゴリーに分類することを学習するが、これは行動反応をすばやく適切に選択するうえで重要である。視覚刺激の単純な特徴(例えば方位、運動方向、色など)の神経表現については、既にかなり解明されているが、それに比べて、脳が刺激の意味をどのようにして学習し符号化するかについては、ほとんどわかっていない。我々は、サルに視覚対象の360度方向の運動を2つのカテゴリーに分類することを学習させて、外側頭頂皮質(LIP)と中側頭皮質(MT)という、相互に連絡して視対象の運動の情報処理にかかわることが知られている2つの脳領野の神経活動を比較した。本論文では、視覚空間的注意や運動企画、意思決定に中心的役割をもつことが知られているLIPのニューロンが、学習の結果として、運動方向のカテゴリーを確実に反映するようになることを示す。LIPニューロンの活動は、運動方向をカテゴリーの構成要素に従って符号化し、その符号化は、サルに同じ複数の刺激を別の新しい2つのカテゴリーにグループ化するよう再学習させると変化した。対照的に、MT野のニューロンは強い方向選択性をもつが、明白なカテゴリー情報を皆無ではないにしても、ほとんど担っていなかった。この知見は、 LIPが視覚運動の方向選択性を、刺激の行動への関連性ないし意味を符号化した、さらに抽象的な表現に変換するための重要な関係部位であることを示している。


Nature 442, 1042-1045(31 August 2006)
Dopamine-dependent prediction errors underpin reward-seeking behaviour in humans
Mathias Pessiglione, Ben Seymour, Guillaume Flandin, Raymond J. Dolan and Chris D. Frith




Just by listening to music, we can learn a lot about its structures and conventions. For example, even you have no musical training, you can tell that something is wrong with this scale (it's followed by a proper C-major scale):

But we learn a lot more than just standard scales when we listen to music. When you're exposed to a particular type of music for many years, you learn much more. Consider the following sequence of chords:

Anyone who's been raised listening to Western music should recognize this sequence as an appropriate musical phrase (if you don't read music, don't worry -- I'll play it for you in a moment).

But change just one of the chords, and now something seems "off." You might not be able to identify the third chord in this sequence as a Neapolitan, but you'll know that doesn't sound right when you hear it:

Even worse is when the final chord is changed, as in this sequence:

Now listen to this clip where all three sequences in a row are played:

But surely we aren't born with such sophisticated musical knowledge. When, exactly, is it acquired? A team led by Stefan Koelsh had adults listen to dozens chord sequences like these and monitored their electric brain responses. They found a different response when Neapolitan chords were played compared to the expected, in-key chord.

In a new study, they tested 5- and 9-year-olds using the same apparatus. The children were told to press a button when the chords were played by instruments other than a piano (this occurred about 8 percent of the time). The researchers weren't interested in the other instruments; this was just to make sure the kids were listening. They analyzed the rest of the data and found the following results:

This graph shows the electrical response of a 5-year-old while the final chord was played. The dotted line is the response when the chord was in key, and the solid line is the response to a Neapolitan chord. The two arrows show where the response is different, starting at around 200 milliseconds after the onset of the chord. Both 5- and 9-year-olds show responses similar to those of adults. However, if the third chord was changed, as in the second sequence played above, the results were different:

Now there is no difference between the in-key chord and the Neapolitan. This differed from the previous results with adults, who, even with no musical training, showed a similar (though smaller) response to a Neapolitan in the third position. Even 9-year-olds show the same results as 5-year-olds. So though children as young as 5 clearly have a sophisticated cognitive mechanism for understanding music, as late as 9, they still haven't developed a complete adult understanding of music.

Koelsch et al. note that language development follows a similar pattern: up to the age of 9, children can learn languages rapidly and recover quickly from disorders such as aphasia. After 9 years, both processes become more difficult. The team argues that this is evidence for a common system for processing both language and music.

Update: Since we're seeing different accounts about whether people can hear what's "wrong" with the clip, I created a poll to find out what portion of our readers can hear the Neapolitans. The poll refers to the second clip above (the chords, not the scales).

Koelsch, S., Grossmann, T., Gunter, T.C., Hahne, A., Schröger, & Friederici, A.D. (2003). Children processing music: Electric brain responses reveal musical competence and gender differences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(5), 683-693.




Nature Neuroscience July, 2006

無意味な音を聞かされ続けると、脳はその音を無視して他の聴覚刺激のほうを選ぶことがNature Neuroscience誌7月号に報告されている。これは驚くべき発見である。以前の研究では、ある音を聞かされると脳はその音に対する反応が高まることが示されていたからだ。
 性徴期のネコに一定の範囲内で周波数の変わる音を無作為に連続して聞かせ、ネコの聴覚皮質の周波数別の神経応答を調べた。約5か月間にわたって1日24 時間音を聞かされたネコは、聞かされた音刺激の範囲内にある周波数に対し、聴覚皮質の神経細胞応答が弱いことがわかった。対照的に他の周波数に対する応答は高まっていた。この結果は刺激に過度にさらされると、それに対する脳内の再現作用が損なわれることを示唆する。

育児で育つ父親の神経回路? 米プリンストン大




